black materials

i just noticed that the feature which turns all non kraka materials black, is not so helpful when i have animated texture maps controlling my particles…
any where i can turn this function off?

What feature are you talking about?
What kind of Materials are you using?

i am using procedural texture maps to drive my particles, it would be nice if i can see the textures in the material editor (standard material)

ok sorry i can see the maps, just not the material

I still don’t understand what you are talking about.
If you mean the Sample Spheres in the Material Editor, then just say so.
The Sample Spheres do not render correctly since around v1.1.0 for various technical reasons.
In early Krakatoa versions, you would see the VERTICES of the sample sphere - Krakatoa was renderinh the geometry as vertices, with self-illumination on.

Since this does not help much with seeing what the material looks like, you are supposed to turn off the Material Editor Render Lock button (we even provide a MacroScript with Krakatoa to do that). By default, the Medit renderer is locked to the Production renderer. Unlocking it switches to Scanline for the Material Editor so you can see your spheres again.

If that is what you wanted to say, great.

If not, please write slightly more than one sentence to explain what exactly you are asking… :wink:

sorry :slight_smile:

as long as i can see my maps, im good :slight_smile: