I noticed animated values in the KCM are lost if you merge it into a new scene.
Also, if you expose a control from the KCM, change the value in the modifier rollout and then merge it all to a new scene then the value inside the kcm will get reset to the value you had when you first exposed the control. The exposed value will remain ok but broken.
Attached two files that shows it. Just open them first and then merge to a new scene and see what I mean.
We don’t need a scene for that, it is a known limitation of Magma 1.x.
The Good News is that it will be fixed in Magma 2.
The story is this:
In Magma 1.x, the flow is stored in a MAXScript array saved as a String in a parameter track of the modifier’s ParamBlock. All the animated inputs actually store their data in a Global track inside of TrackView in the CURRENT scene. Each modifier has to generate a unique ID which is used to name the corresponding animation track and “link them” to the modifier’s nodes. If you merge a modifier into another scene, those tracks cannot go over because they are not part of the modifier, technically speaking. They are kind of like “wired parameters”. Saving a KCM flow to KMF file would also lose that info because the file did not store any controller data. Even worse, the “connection” of input values to scene nodes’ tracks is done through Scripted Controllers which is kind of hacky.
In Magma 2, the flow AND its animation tracks are all stored in the modifier. Merging a modifier will bring over all animation data. Node references are stored in the modifier the right 3dsMax way. Also the new .MagmaFlow file format will save in a MAXScript form not only the nodes, but also any keys assigned to their controllers. Thus saving a flow to disk or doing Ctrl+C and pasting it in a post on this forum would include the animation data - if I would copy and paste it into my KCM here, I would get the flow and all related animation, too!