Export Jobs (redshift) from c4d aren’t being written to disk unless using the local export option even if using the same machine. The progress shows the tasks as complete, but no .rs files are saved to disk as expected. Local Slave Log says the task is complete immediately after loading the plugins.
Would you be willing to provide a job report? It’d be good to use a test scene or scrub the log.
I did a little digging here and it looks like if it’s an export job, we write some custom Python for it. Another helpful thing would be to check the log for “RunScript” in the log and try to copy that file before the Slave moves onto another job. That’s what the Python will be run under and it’ll show if we detected the right export job.
Reports_Job.zip (13.7 KB)
Attached are the job reports.
I could not find any instance of “runscript” being referenced within the logs. The image below shows that the c4d rs exports are being marked as complete but the folder thats open is empty. The RS frames show as “queued” after the c4d export claims to be complete, but never starts (I assume because the file doesn’t exist)