C4D v 16 and DL8 syntax error

I have just run up my Deadline8 system and was testing with C4D v16 and getting the Python script errors noted on another thread here:

I tried replacing the “Cinema4DBatch” folder in the repo as advised in that thread but am now getting a syntax error instead of the json/python error.

Is there a new version of Deadline I should be updating to rather than just updating the Batch folder in the repo?


Try updating to 8.0.5, that at least has the json import issue fixed. Your second issue looks like a syntax error in the code you might have modified.

Give it a shot and get back to us.

To update, do I just run 8.0.5 over the top of the 8.0.4 Server and Client installs? Any need to remove all the existing Repository files first? Or uninstall the existing MongoDB?

Yep, you can install in place without issue.

You can check out the docs on updateing/upgrading here: docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ading.html

Thanks – that’s working now :wink: Looks like I have a bit of a mess to sort out with licensing and v-ray, but it’s good to move onto the next problem. Cheers!