Camebridge Animation Systems Animo

Hi there,

just wanted to ask if Deadline supports the 2d-package CAS Animo in the future. Would it be possible using a custom plugin?



Hi Marcus,

We’ve contacted the sales team at CAS about the possibility of getting a

copy of Animo that we could use for testing. From the documentation on

the website, it would appear that Animo supports network rendering, so

hopefully this can be controlled from a 3rd party software like

Deadline. When I get more information, I’ll let you know.



To change the subject slightly, we use Toonboom Harmony here in the studio to do a lot of our 2D work. It would be great to have a plugin for Deadline to network render Harmony files as well. I’m not sure if it’s fully command-line compliant, though.


Jon Rennie

Dinamo Productions

Hi I know it’s an old post but did you guys figure something out? Deadline and Toonboom Harmony?
