can deadline rendering .aiv file

hi everyone now i used deadline 3.1sp1 and 3ds max 9,the platform i used is windows xp system,but i want to know if deadline can rendering .aiv file?

Moved this from 3D Rendering, since this is a Deadline related question.

Just confirm, do you mean .AVI files? Deadline supports all file formats that 3dsmax does, so yes, you can render AVI files through Deadline. Note though that to render movie files, you must set the Frames Per Task (ChunkSize) equal to the number of frames you are rendering when you submit the job. So if you are rendering frames 1-100, set the Frames Per Task to be 100.


  • Ryan

i rendering the .aiv file,but when it complete has the same result of one frame rendered!it is said that the result of rendered all frames and the result of rendered one frame is exactly same!why?

Well, I kind of feel like a fool. :blush:

It turns out that you cannot render movie files (including AVI) using our 3dsmax plugin. We’ve logged this as a bug. You can, however, use the 3ds Command plugin to create AVI files. Just remember to set the group size when submitting the job equal to the number of frames in your render.


  • Ryan

when i rendering with deadline 3.1,it still prompt error:
‘PAD2009-11-24 17:09:39; ??? ??? ???: ??C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9??’ (Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin+FailRenderException)

RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)

Exception.Data: ( )

Exception.TargetSite: Void StartJob(Deadline.Jobs.Job)

Exception.Source: deadline


at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.StartJob(Job job)

at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(Job job)

at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()
what can i do ?i am angury,why it always have problem!!!

Do you get this error while rendering an avi file? As I mentioned in the last post, you can’t render avi movies in 3dsmax using the regular 3dsmax plugin - you have to use the 3dsmaxcmd plugin. Can you confirm which plugin you’re using? Also, what is the full version of the Deadline software? You can find the full version number in the Deadline Monitor by selecting Help -> About.

Finally, it might help if you posted the full render log which will put this particular message into better context.


  • Ryan

I think this limitation of rendering a single file output (avi, mov) exists in Fusion, and others as well. I’ve left this part of our pipeline on the back burner (haha I’m so funny). But ideally it would be nice to create compound job, one that renders the frames, and one that compiles thoseframes into a single file. The pieces are all there but they currently don’t currently work the last time I tried it.


In Fusion, you should be able to render a single movie file providing that you submit the job with frames per task equal to the number of frames in your job (so that you have a single task that consists of all frames). This way, a single slave renders the movie in one shot.

In our 3dsmax plugin, this doesn’t work, because even if a slave is rendering a single chunk of frames, it is still telling 3dsmax to render those frames individually, resulting in one movie file per frame.

For Deadline 4.1, we’re hoping to support better QT generation options when submitting jobs from most of the software that Deadline supports so that one can easily submit a dependent job that assembles the frames after they are rendered.


  • Ryan

That’s what I was hoping for. The other option is was for fusion to act like a cluster so many machines can assist.
