Can I have two Launchers?


I have a few questions regarding Deadline and its launcher.

At my work we are running CentOS with a Gnome UI.
We have the launcher running as a service. We want though to also give the user the option to control their slave and machine through the launcher’s menu on the taskbar. This seems to be impossible for now since the launcher is always running as a service and you can’t launch another one.

My questions are these

  1. What can we do to keep the launcher to always run on machine boot (regardless if a user is logged in or not) and also have the option of running the launcher as a standalone and the user having access to it through the taskbar.

  2. Can we have 2 launchers installed in 2 different ports? 1 as a service one as a program? Will this create conflicts?

  3. Can I have somehow the launcher which runs as a service show up as an icon on Linux’s taskbar as well?

Thank you and any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Could you have a login script run to stop the service and start the launcher under the user account?

CentOS 7 and Gnome 3?

yes to your second question.

We would like this to be Dynamic. For example we want the launcher to always be running no matter what since most of the render nodes are also workstations. But we also want the user if they want to have control from the launcher on what they can do. And also give us the opportunity for idle detection etc.

I worry that with a script you introduce a lot of things that can go wrong. Launcher not starting again when user exits, or user error etc.

I’d like to find a way that I could achieve to have the launcher always running no matter what but also have the end user being able to use it.