can i run scan missing output in command line

can i run scan missing output in command line and get missing output files in a job
an other quesiton
in job folder.
in running job has some log folders.
can i close it ?
in job running log folder is not create

Not currently. Can I ask how you see it working for you? Would you expect ./DeadlineCommand -ScanMissingOutput [JobId] to just return a list of missing files as Stdout or do you need the TaskId’s to re-queue these tasks?
All log folders will get cleaned up by either the house cleaning process when it regularly runs and respect the log directory settings you have configured in your repo options for application logging. There shouldn’t be any concern about log directories as it will be handled automatically for you.

DeadlineCommand -ScanMissingOutput is good
but set the ScanMissingOutput in job’s configure file better.
and automatically re-queue the trask. is very very good!
like this
not run
run but no automatically re-queue the trask
run and automatically re-queue the trask
ScanMissing completed no missing. job completed.
if re-queue it also use the same jobid.
means make sure no missing before job completed.

i cannot find the log folders setting
can you help me in detail?

I assume your wanting to check for missing files when your job completes? If so, you could write an event plugin, which could check your job’s output files for any criteria you wish and then optionally handle the situation as you prefer, such as requeue or even email someone as well. The event plugin is more flexible here and users can tailor it to their studio needs. … ugins.html

House Cleaning is controlled here: … g.html#id2

Application Logging: … on-logging