can i somehow set affinity of deadline tasks?


There is a checkbox ‘concurrent tasks’ in AE submission script dialog. And i want just one additional thing - set this parameter to 2, and then set affinity to the first AE process for a half of all processors on render machine which will render it, and the other half - to another AE process. Can i do it anyhow (by script, or anything else…)?

Thanks in advance!

There isn’t anything built into Deadline to do this. Currently, you can only use Deadline to control the affinity of the slave process (and thus every sub process it starts up), but you can’t split the affinity for concurrent tasks.

Out of curiosity, why do you need to do this? Does AE just perform better this way? Are you testing with multiprocess rendering enabled or disabled (it’s a submission setting)?


  • Ryan

Hi Russell!
Thanks for your reply!
Yes, we did some tests. With or without ‘enabled multiprocessing’ setting, 2 deadline concurrent tasks renders much longer and much less stable than we send two tasks manually and set affinity for them. By default, the processors work on 25-50%, and if manually - on 100% capacity. Wonder why… :slight_smile: