Can't upgrade Deadline 8

"An Error occured while updating the database settings:
Could not read the connection.inifor[SIC] the given repostory[SIC] path “D:\SFS”[SIC] because:

Error in file D:\SFS\settings\dbConnect.xml (System.Exception)

Apparently it doesn’t like the fact that there is a space in our path. Also it apparently doesn’t like addign spaces between and “for”. Also you misspelled Repository. :stuck_out_tongue:

At least some of that is typos, but there should be no issues I can think of with spaces. I’ll check on this tomorrow and do some testing.

Any updates on the 8.0.3 installer to make this work again?

Nope, we haven’t addressed this yet, given that it’s likely just adding quotes, we should hopefully have this fixed for next week’s build, however.