I’m calling the SMTP from a Maxscript by using
macros.run "Deadline" "SubmitMaxToDeadline3"
Now I’d like to change the jobName in the UI or preset it somehow, but I can’t find a way to do it. Since it’s not sticky it’s not saved in the presets. Is there a way to this?
And is there a way to get a callback when the Submitter is closed? (without modifying the submitter code) So my script can continue running. At the moment I use a “watchdog” process which checks the SMTD_MainRollouts position. This works, but I somehow don’t like the approach.
The current version of the SMTD that ships with 4.x provides symbolic strings to replace the job name and comment with custom data.
Since you are running an older version of Deadline, I am not sure you have that. All scripts’ sources are in the Repository and you are free to open and dissect them (or modify them, if you want). Normally, all data used for submission is stored in a SMTD_Settings struct and NOT in the UI. The UI is just a front-end for setting the values in the struct, so it is technically possible to submit jobs to Deadline from 3rd party scripts without ever opening the UI MacroScript. Not sure what you are trying to do, but you could look into that.
You could add a function call to the ‘on … close do’ handler of the SMTD dialog (will require a modification of the code, obviously) to get a “callback” when it closes. Since all SMTD components except for the launcher are on the Repository, modifying the code there will automatically propagate to all workstations, so I don’t see why you couldn’t do that… It is up to you.
I need the Submitter UI to open, so the artist can change stuff he needs. But I would want to give some predefined name to the job, because the artist forgets or doesn’t care. If I change the SMTD_Settings before opening the submitter it won’t get copied into the submitter and my value will be overwritten when submitting.
Basically I’m doing a multi-camera submitter, wich only opens SMTD on the first cam and I then use the entered settings to submit all the other cameras. I can rename all the following submissions but not the first one. (Now that I think of it I could delete the first job and resubmit it with a new name. Maybe I’ll do that)
I choose not to change the deadline scripts, because I’m not permanently at the shop. If I leave and they upgrade,reinstall or do stuff like that, it’s easier if they only see how I interface with the mint deadline tools. But if I change the submitter scripts it’ll need a lot of documentation and capable people to get it working again. (And once I get started customizing, I never know where I’ll end up )
Anyway, thanks for the reply. I’ll think about it.
(The deadline submitter code is sometimes like a reference to me. If I need to know how to build some type of UI elements I often start by looking at how you did it)