Full Command: "/opt/maxon/cinema4dr2025.000/bin/Commandline" -nogui -noopengl -redshift-license-maxon-disable -redshift-log-console Debug "-DeadlineConnect 42507 1726138833 '/var/lib/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/et-ws-lin-03/jobsData/66e1b30e7632c8e160c10fd6/importTest_temp04Y4I0/importCheck.txt'"
I don’t know what the DeadlineConnect part is doing, but the script
gets stuck and starts with the following code
# -*- coding: utf-16-le -*-
import c4d
from c4d import bitmaps
from c4d import documents
from c4d.threading import C4DThread
import os.path
looking at this update
which disappeared in 10.3 docs…
and here
Digging back into the Cinema4DBatch.py file I see it’s creating the c4d_Batch_Script.py file
but even ignoring this and doing a non batch job it fails
INFO: Executable: "/mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/Commandline"
NFO: [LD_LIBRARY_PATH] set to /mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/../lib64:/mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/python311.linux64.framework/lib64
NFO: [PYTHONPATH] set to /mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/python311.linux64.framework/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload
INFO: [PATH] set to /root/.local/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin
CheckPathMapping: Swapped "Z:\tests\c4d\2025.0.c4d" with "/mnt/jobs/tests\c4d\2025.0.c4d"
CheckPathMapping: Swapped "Z:\tests\c4d\out\" with "/mnt/jobs/tests\c4d\out\"
INFO: Validating the path: '/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/out/'
INFO: Rendering main output to network drive
INFO: Argument: -nogui -noopengl -redshift-license-maxon-disable -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail true -render "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/2025.0.c4d" -frame 0 0 -take "Main" -oresolution 1280 720 -oimage "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/out/Documents" -redshift-log-console Debug
INFO: Full Command: "/mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/Commandline" -nogui -noopengl -redshift-license-maxon-disable -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail true -render "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/2025.0.c4d" -frame 0 0 -take "Main" -oresolution 1280 720 -oimage "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/out/Documents" -redshift-log-console Debug
INFO: Startup Directory: "/mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin"
INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
INFO: Process Affinity: default
INFO: Process is now running
INFO: Process exit code: 139
Yet if I run the Full Command outside of Deadline it works fine
"/mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/Commandline" -nogui -noopengl -redshift-license-maxon-disable -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail true -render "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/2025.0.c4d" -frame 0 0 -take "Main" -oresolution 1280 720 -oimage "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/out/Documents" -redshift-log-console Debug
[root@et-ws-lin-01 bin]# "/mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/Commandline" -nogui -noopengl -redshift-license-maxon-disable -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail true -render "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/2025.0.c4d" -frame 0 0 -take "Main" -oresolution 1280 720 -oimage "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/out/Documents" -redshift-log-console Debug
Application start : 10/21/24 at 16:18:11
Executable (T) : 64 Bit
Version / Build : 2025.0.2 / 2025_0_2_f4b54da0ba4e_1479846803
Debugger : not available
Memory model : release
Startup path : file:///mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin
Application path : file:///mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/Commandline
Application executable : file:///mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/Commandline
Resource path : file:///mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/resource
Library path : file:///mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/library
Module path(s) : file:///mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/corelibs; file:///mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/plugins; file:///root/Maxon/bin_35B49051_x/plugins
Temporary path : file:///tmp
Prefs path : file:///root/Maxon/bin_35B49051_x
Global Prefs path : file:///root/Maxon
Command line arguments : "-nogui" "-noopengl" "-redshift-license-maxon-disable" "-arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail" "true" "-render" "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/2025.0.c4d" "-frame" "0" "0" "-take" "Main" "-oresolution" "1280" "720" "-oimage" "/mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/out/Documents" "-redshift-log-console" "Debug"
Avahi version 0.8 detected
argv[0] = (null)
argv[1] = -nogui
argv[2] = -noopengl
argv[3] = -redshift-license-maxon-disable
argv[4] = -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail
argv[5] = true
argv[6] = -render
argv[7] = /mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/2025.0.c4d
argv[8] = -frame
argv[9] = 0
argv[10] = 0
argv[11] = -take
argv[12] = Main
argv[13] = -oresolution
argv[14] = 1280
argv[15] = 720
argv[16] = -oimage
argv[17] = /mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/out/Documents
argv[18] = -redshift-log-console
argv[19] = Debug
Loading LP_solve lib: /mnt/sw/c4d/2025.002/bin/resource/modules/motiontracker/liblpsolve55.so
Redshift Debug: PreviewScheduler: Caches Cleared
msg: override imagesize to 1280 720
Loading Project: /mnt/jobs/tests/c4d/2025.0.c4d
Rendering frame 0 at <Mon Oct 21 16:18:18 2024>Rendering frame 0 at <Mon Oct 21 16:18:18 2024>
Rendering Phase: Setup
Rendering Phase: Main Render
Progress: 0%
Progress: 99%
Rendering Phase: Finalize
Rendering successful: 0.142 sec.
Warning! Unknown arguments: -nogui -noopengl -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail trueWarning! Unknown arguments: -nogui -noopengl -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail true
Redshift Debug: PreviewScheduler: Flush/Clear Context
Redshift Debug: PreviewScheduler: End
Redshift Debug: PreviewScheduler: Flush completed
removing the unknown arguments clears the warning messages, I don’t think this is causing the problem but will try and remove them from both scipts. I’m testing with now.
I circled back round to another post I made where the fix was to not run Deadline as ‘root’ this get’s it’ back up and running!