Color Following Particles

Hi everyone,i made a sim with fumefx and made a map using falloff map,here it is ( )…
At frame 10 it looks ok… ( ),pink color is not at the beginning,…How to i get over tihs problem ? I hope you get what i mean…Sorry for my eng…Thanks…

When you say a Falloff map, what kind of Falloff map are you using? Or is it some form of a gradient?
If it is a gradient, what kind of mapping are you using? Explicit UVW Coordinates or World Space?
Do you have any mapping channels stored in your particles?
For a color to stick to a particle and move with it, the particle must provide UV coordinates (just like meshes do) and the map must be using them. Otherwise the particles will move through the mapping if the projection in based on the particles’ positions.

Some screenshots of the Material Editor would be useful.

Uploading material settings now,thanks Bobo.

Hi here is my material editor shot : ( )
I just did animation then created this falloff map and attached it to the emission channel…Thats it,nothing more,thanks…

So you ARE using a Distance Blend Falloff in Camera Z Space. What exactly do you expect to see? The mapping will be applied to the particles according to their local positions in Camera space, with the gradient mapped along the camera’s Z axis. If your particles are moving relatively to the camera, they will be moving through the color gradient. What exactly did you expect?

Also camera is attached to the same line as fumefx object…

If you expect the color to stick to the FumeFX particles as they are moving through space, you will have to generate mapping coordinates in the simulation and apply a gradient ramp or something like that to them using these coordinates.

If I am missing the point of the Falloff map, please explain.

Ok,i think,i had an wrong idea about using falloff map or i am suck?I solve this deleting the map and adding some omni lights into scene where pink or blue colors needed…But it takes long time to render than mapping partc.By the way i cant use gradient ramp through as falloff,it say unable to get texture coordinat,can u explain how i get over this?As a new user on krakatoa thx for humiliating sentences…

As I mentioned, you need texture coordinates on your particles. FumeFX can do so-called Fluid Mapping where it generates UVs at emission time and lets them flow through the sim, thus sticking to the “particles”. You might have to increase the value in FumeFX to preserve the coordinates during the whole simulation.
See here: … id_Mapping

This of course might not be what you want. As shown on the Falloff map page here, … upport.php you can use Object mode in the map to use a reference object to control the direction of falloff. This might be closer to what you want, but you would have to animate the reference object manually to define the location of the Falloff effect.

Krakatoa uses (mostly) the same type of data as Max objects, except that the particles are like vertices with no faces attached. You cannot apply a map to a mesh that has no mapping coordinates just like you cannot apply a map to particles that have no mapping coordinates. Same principle.

Thank you Bobo,what did u write helps me to do what i want…U told me to use object mode in falloff map,thats really close to what i want.Thank you again for your patient.Cheers!

Thank you Bobo,what did u write helps me to do what i want…U told me to use object mode in falloff map,thats really close to what i want.Thank you again for your patient.Cheers!