

I am submitting a command line job to deadline and everything is working fine apart from the task progress bar. It simply stays at 0 then jumps to complete when the render finishes.

I am assuming I need to pass some information to the slave in some way, but I couldn’t find anything to show me how I would go about this.

I am rendering a vrscene file with vray standalone. All works when submitted through deadlines gui submission.

So just something I am missing.


The command line renderer has no progress because it is not programmed to recognize progress. Other plugins are written with code that specifically looks for progress updates from their respective application, but the command line plugin, as it’s just running a command, doesn’t have any such functionality.

Ok thanks for clearing that up. In that case is there a way I can use the Vray submitter but from a script (In my case 3ds max) bypassing the gui so I can batch submit?

You could use Maxscript to create a custom submitter which submits a “VRay” Standalone job directly from 3dsMax. Here’s a tutorial on how to create a custom submitter to submit “3dsmax” jobs from 3dsMax as a starting point for you: … submission

If you open up the VRay Monitor submission script (Python), you can see what KEY=VALUE pairs are required to submit such a job successfully. Just translate this into MaxScript for your custom submitter.

And if you don’t want to use MaxScript, you can use those KVPs and submit them via the command line. Docs here: … ssion.html

Were we super thorough here? I say yes :smiley:

Hi guys!
currently it is something wrong whit deadlinecommand render in deadline 10.0.7 and 10.0.25, when we send a job as command line(maya mel) deadline slave couldn’t get it to render and it doesn’t show anything, we completely sure that our command line is working right the another version cos we tested it in deadline 7.02.
I would appreciate if you could help us…