Hey guys,
Any idea or reason why there is no concurrent tasks option when submitting from S
Softimage, but submitting from Maya there is that option available?
This is really, really odd, since the submitter in the monitor has one. I will check with the integration team and see if they just missed this, or if this is by intent.
hey, just wondering if you got any updates on this?
It looks like this should be fixed in 7.2.1, which should be releasing soon.
it seems that issue is still here in 7.2.110
can someone confirm?
I talked to the developer who fixed this and he said it looks like it was put into Deadline 8, instead of 7.2. I have him making a patch file to bring this fix to your repo, and will post it when he gets it to me.
Can I have you replace the files “[repo]\submission\Softimage\Main\SoftimageToDeadlineFunctions.py” and “[repo]\submission\Softimage\Main\SoftimageToDeadline.py” with the ones in the enclosed zip file. This should open up those concurrent tasks.
that does the trick., thanks!
Glad to hear!