Creating Custom UI

Hi there people of Deadline land.
I’m looking at creating a bunch of UI’s for deadline that displays information on different slave pools and what not. Basically I want to have a window open for each pool that I can spread out across my desktop for easily monitoring. It would be great if you could make tabs for each pool along the bottom, wihch you can drag off as seperate windows, instead of viewing each one by typing its name in the field.

Has anyone done anything else in deadline with custom UI’s?

Currently, I think your best option is to create your own standalone application that wraps deadlinecommand to query and display this information they way you want. The following commands will probably be of use to you:

deadlinecommand -Pools
deadlinecommand -GetSlaveNamesInPool

If you decide to go this route and have any questions about getting more info out of Deadline, let us know!


  • Ryan