Cross Platform Font Sync Issue

Hey Luke,

I spent a fair amount of time troubleshooting this about six months ago.

The ‘local fonts’ path for Windows should be on the machine doing the rendering, and I’m not exactly sure how the Windows API will treat a mapped network drive.

I’ll do some testing and see where I get, but you should make a folder on the rendering machines to store the fonts, then confirm that at least they are being copied locally.


So, it definitely works if you provide a local folder. Here’s my example:
Local: C:\Test\Fonts
Remote: A:\users\edwin.amsler\DumpBin\Fonts (yes, you can mount ‘a’ and ‘b’ :smiley:)

The only issue here is that the way we register the fonts is per-session, so if you remove a font from the folder, it will still exist locally, but won’t be available after a logout/reboot.