CSV to PRT conversion


As of last week, Xenodream 2.222 alpha (xenodream.com/) supports CSV export - it would be fantastic if it is somehow possible to convert this data to PRT!

Is there any way to do this without having to load heavy CSV’s sequences into 3dsmax?


Assuming the CSV is in the form directly supported by Krakatoa, one would simply load the CSV in a PRT Loader and save to PRT files. This would work with the Evaluation version, too, so no Krakatoa license would be needed. The CSV spec. of Krakatoa is here:
software.primefocusworld.com/sof … format.php

Alternatively, one could write a MAXScript to parse the CSV file (even if it does not match the Krakatoa specification) and output to PRT using the KrakatoaParticleOStream interface we provide for generating PRTs with MAXScript. The interface is documented here:
software.primefocusworld.com/sof … _value.php

Finally, one could try to implement direct PRT output from Xenodream based on our published PRT specification.
software.primefocusworld.com/sof … format.php

Thanks for the information…

I guess the best option really would be to have direct PRT output from Xenodream. I’ll try and convince Garth, the developer, to implement it in the next build…

It is a bit of work (as it involves dealing with ZIPped streams).

If the CSV file has the format
PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ
PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB
then Krakatoa will read it directly. Resaving that as PRT would reduce disk usage and speed up access, but it is still directly usable.

If the CSV has to contain other data than position and color, it would require a header line describing what each record does. This might confuse other programs, so it could be a Krakatoa-specific CSV output.

Just in case Garth does not feel like spending time dealing with PRT export…

Excellent! This information comes with perfect timing - was just mailing Garth. He was asking about zipped streams…

It seems to me that XD already exports CSV’s that are directly readable by kraka. The color from XD is maintained and I have loaded as much as 20 mill particles, even though it takes quite a while.

You can see a test render with 2 mill voxels here i176.photobucket.com/albums/w179 … EST_01.jpg

Will be uploading some test animations soon - I’ll be sure to keep you posted :slight_smile:
