Custom Deadline Event plugin launching after EVERY maya render layer finishes?

When I submit a Maya job with multiple render layers, it submits to Deadline as several jobs, all grouped together.

I’ve written a Python custom event and want it to trigger when an entire Maya file finishes rendering, not when each render layer job finishes (which is what currently happens). Is there a way to do this? Currently I am triggering the function using the event ‘OnJobFinished’. Is there a different event I should be using?


The big problem here is that the batches are just for visual representation. The ideal solution is to create a dependent job that is linked to all of these layer jobs finishing but that requires a pretty heavy lift in the submitter.

Even with the event as it exists now, you would need to grab all jobs then filter out the ones which have that batch set. It’s inefficient to do that, but I’m not sure we have a better way to do that in the event plugin at the moment.

Rats. Ok, thanks for the info.