Custom fields in deadline monitor


is there a way for creating custom (named) fields and submit that information to deadline monitor?
I know that the “ExtraInfoX” exists, but i would like to name them. is it possible?

Thanks in advance

Sure. … -ref-label

Exactly that, thanks!!
It is just clamped to 10 values? or is there a way to expand them?

It is clamped to a max of 10 for the display, so you will need to choose which are the most important to actually display. The actual job extra info, via ‘keys’ is unlimited though, so you can store an unlimited number of actual ExtraInfo KVPs in each of your Deadline jobs; just only 10 can be displayed in the Monitor UI: … extra-info

However, with that said, you may wish to take advantage of “Task Extra Info” columns as well, as these have the added advantage of being able to be overridden PER JOB. Set globally here: … properties

and you can override them per job via here: … info-names

ok, thanks for all the quick info!!!

Just a note to others reading this thread. Don’t forget that Job Extra Info 0-5 are reserved for Shotgun, FTrack, NIM (if you use any of those production tracking systems in Deadline). In which case, you should make sure you only use 6-10.