Custom layouts don't load up by default

Is there a way to make the Deadline Monitor to load up a certain custom layout at startup? Or at least have it remember the last used layout so that I don’t have to manually switch to the desired layout from the “DEFAULT” every time I start the Monitor?


When the Monitor starts up again, it will use the layout it was using when it last shutdown as the new . So if you had a custom layout when you closed the Monitor, that same layout would be used when the Monitor starts up again. It won’t be selected in the drop down though…

Well, no. It will always change the heights of my rows (I have a horizontal layout). Always. I have to manually select the saved layout in the list in order to re-arrange the rows.

I’m not sure I follow what you mean. Can you maybe take a screen shot of the Monitor before you close it and a screen shot of it after you open it so we can see the visual difference you’re referring to?


  • Ryan

Sure thing!

Deadline as I like it (saved as duber.layout) before closing:

Deadline after opening!

Here’s the difference:

Weird. I can’t reproduce this problem. Can you maybe send us your duber.layout file? We can see if we can reproduce it with your layout.


  • Ryan

Sure thing,

here it is: (3 KB)

Thanks! I still can’t reproduce with it though. Very weird…

Could it have anything to do with the fact that I plugged my monitors in the card in a reverse order and swapped them in software in Windows later?

I’ll have to test this out as I’ve been having some weird behavior with other software tools (Nuke for example).

Hmm, interesting. Deadline does do some checks to ensure the Monitor fits on screen, so maybe it could be related.

Nope… still happens even after swapping the cables. :frowning:

have you changed the defaults such as fonts etc for windows? just curious.


Couple more ideas to throw in the mixer:

  1. Can you try booting up monitor on another machine (ie: a slave) and also, try logging in using a different user account and see if the layouts work ok on this machine/different user account.
  2. IIRC, you use a language pack (Czech) in Win OS? Can you switch to Win English OS and test again?
  1. I don’t have a problem with this on my studios’ workstations :frowning:
  2. All my Windows installs are English. I only add czech keyboard support.

OK. So, just to summarise…this issue is limited to only your machine at home/off-site?
So, I guess we should start eliminating what is different about this 1 home machine? We can forget hardware and I guess they all have Win7x64 OS?
It might be worth at this point, just un-installing Deadline, making sure its completely clear of any settings files and trying a complete re-install of the client install as its doesn’t really take long to install the software.
(Bit of a long shot, but running out of ideas :slight_smile:)
Make sure you backup any settings you may want to keep!
If this doesn’t fix it, then I guess we are left with the VPN tunnel being the only difference?

Yeah, sounds like it.

I’ll try reinstalling it tomrrow morning (it’s pretty late here already). Hopefully it helps.

If not, then it’s just this one machine that acts up. So, I’ll have to just live with that. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the support, Mike, much appretiated!

Unfortunately not even reinstall of the Client worked. Shuffling the monitor i/o didn’t work either.

I’m calling it quits. It’s probably something on my machine that trips the GUI. Maybe some Qt libs? Not really sure, it can be anything. :frowning:

Thanks for all the support, guys, much appretiated!


It seems that I have found a workaround to fix this issue! I found out that when the Monitor wasn’t being started Maximized in windows, it kept the layout correctly! So I re-saved the layout, maximized the monitor and tried starting it again. Now it remembers its layout, the sizes of the windows and all the settings!