I’ve followed the Custom MAXScript Submission Tutorial from the online documentation, but ran into one problem I can’t find an answer for.
I’m using SMTDSettings.PostLoadScriptFile to call an external ms file but it’s trying to find it in “\renderbox\c$\Users\render\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\renderbox\jobsData” instead of the unc path I provided. What’s missing here? Code is below.
EDIT: I found this section in SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms. It appears to be stripping the filename from the path, but this is already past my point of understanding. I just need a way to copy the PostLoadScript to the local render temp dir.
if SMTDSettings.RunPostLoadScript do
format "PostLoadScript=%\n" (FileNameFromPath SMTDSettings.PostLoadScriptFile) to:JobInfoFile
global SMTDSettings
global SMTDFunctions
local theNetworkRoot = @"\3d\deadrepo5"
local remoteScript = theNetworkRoot + @"\submission\3dsmax\SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms"
fileIn remoteScript
SMTDSettings.JobName = maxFileName + " - [MXS]"
SMTDSettings.ChunkSize = 1
SMTDSettings.group = “sim”
SMTDSettings.ShowFrameBuffer = true
SMTDSettings.SequentialJob = true
SMTDSettings.RunPostLoadScript = true
SMTDSettings.PostLoadScriptFile = @"\3d\3ddata\resources\Max\simOnDeadline_default.ms"
local maxFileToSubmit = SMTDPaths.tempdir + maxFileName
SMTDFunctions.SaveMaxFileCopy maxFileToSubmit
local SubmitInfoFile = SMTDPaths.tempdir + “\max_submit_info.job”
local JobInfoFile = SMTDPaths.tempdir + “\max_job_info.job”
SMTDFunctions.CreateSubmitInfoFile SubmitInfoFile
SMTDFunctions.CreateJobInfoFile JobInfoFile
local initialArgs="""+SubmitInfoFile+"" “”+JobInfoFile+"" “”+maxFileToSubmit+"" "
SMTDFunctions.waitForCommandToComplete initialArgs SMTDSettings.TimeoutSubmission
)–end script[/code]