Hi, is it possible to change the color of a specific job … say via custom script from monitor?
I would like to pause a job (by changing it to nonexisting pool) but then change the job text color (or background color or font size or font color) to something visible to the artists so they can work on it. There is a suspend color but i would like to have a custom color that differs from the UI color styling i.e font size=300% for color=red etc
Thanks Mike for the info.
So I guess the question really is: how to add specific custom status in DL (and the associated default styling). The current custom styling is for set job status i.e. failed, queued, suspended, completed etc. If there is a custom status say “Waiting user input”; then possibly can add the custom styling
Could you use the job/slave/task Extra Info columns to indicate a custom state/message? Here’s a very recent blog from one of the developers: deadline.thinkboxsoftware.com/fe … extra-info
you could hook the above up to say, an event plugin as job state or something else changes in Deadline?
The typical state you would like to put a job like this into would be Pending. Deadline supports scripted dependencies (e.g. a Python script must return True before the job would proceed). But this is the automation side of things, unfortunately as Mike explained already, there is currently no special User Specified State with its own styling to show the user that his attention is required. Of course you could set the Comment field to some CAPS MESSAGE. but that would not work as well as a custom color or a larger font (however I am not sure a custom font size per job would ever be a feature),
So I guess what you are asking for is for a custom state with a custom style to be added to the Wishlist?