Hi there,
just wanted to make sure it´s not related to a bug:
When defining RV as my custom viewer and double clicking on a completed task it reports:
Any ideas why that is?
Hi there,
just wanted to make sure it´s not related to a bug:
When defining RV as my custom viewer and double clicking on a completed task it reports:
Any ideas why that is?
*.app on OS X is essentially a directory, so if you browse to “/Applications/RV64.app” in your “Finder”, right-click and “Show Package Contents”, then probably navigate to something like: “/Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS/RV64” [at a guess], which is the path you will need to enter into your monitor image viewer options as explained here:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ge-viewers
Also, you will probably want to take advantage of our various {tags} as I think RV likes to receive a frame sequence instead of a single frame. Check out our docs for all the info.
Let us know if that helps?
/Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS/RV64 (good guess!).
did the trick.
Tags where not necessary as we´ve setup RV to always read sequences.