Deadline - maya submitter install problems - urgent

Hi I just updated repository to the latest version but already installed scripts stopped working.
I proceed to download new submission script from deadline monitor.
Installed and again the same thing still not working and under windows got this error:
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

Error: file: //proliantg6/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9354: ImportError: file line 1: No module named deadline_maya

Also trying to install under CentOS7.6 and again no luck.
Any help and/or guide please?
Thank you!

Same here ! It was working fine with the version but doesn’t work with the last update


i found a workaround = copy the “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” and rename it “SubmitMayaToDeadline_BAK.mel” to back it up, then open SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel with notepad++, delete line 9354 from "DeadlineRepository10\submission\Maya\Main\SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel and save the file.

Now restart maya, and the submit window shows up.

git it works! hoopefully submission will go as well. thanks!

I just submitted a job after that workaroud, works like a charm

Now just to figure how to install on CentOS ehhe, did all the script isntall seemed fine but no shelf created…
Anyone got idea?

Hey guys, thanks for reporting this.

We’ve got a fix for this on the way. Commenting it out should be fine for a workaround unless you need to use Renderman22. Other workarounds include:

  • Change UNC paths to Mapped Drives, or
  • Turn on the “Keep Local Repository Cache” option.


Posted on the other thread, but I’ll update here too. was released last night with a fix for this error. Sorry about the inconvenience.
