Hi I just updated repository to the latest version but already installed scripts stopped working.
I proceed to download new submission script from deadline monitor.
Installed and again the same thing still not working and under windows got this error:
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main
Error: file: //proliantg6/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9354: ImportError: file line 1: No module named deadline_maya
Also trying to install under CentOS7.6 and again no luck.
Any help and/or guide please?
Thank you!
Same here ! It was working fine with the version but doesn’t work with the last update
i found a workaround = copy the “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” and rename it “SubmitMayaToDeadline_BAK.mel” to back it up, then open SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel with notepad++, delete line 9354 from "DeadlineRepository10\submission\Maya\Main\SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel and save the file.