We’ve an automated system which generates a light-cache and uses on renders after.
via a python job script , I am able to assign the vray_lightcache_loadFileName and set vray_lightcache_mode to the value of 2, which is “From File”, but the rendering file is * NOT * effected by these settings.
I noticed the user settings interface does NOT have this option exposed.
I also added enums to the settings file, with no results.
This does NOT change the mode in my production files:
vray_lightcache_loadFileName= {valid path}
vray_lightcache_mode_enums=From File
vray_lightcache_mode_enums0=Single Frame
vray_lightcache_mode_enums1=[Deprecated] Fly-through
vray_lightcache_mode_enums2=From File
vray_lightcache_mode_enums3=[Deprecated] Progressive Path Trace
I noticed all other modes/options that are selected with a drop down had these enums settings.
The vray_adv_irradmap_mode required both a value of 2 and an enums of “From File” to make a change in the rendering file.
I’m hoping someone can shed light on this inconsistency. Why does vray_lightcache_mode not have enums and why this does not work.