I googled that error message, and it appears to be related to the license server (I got a bunch of FlexLM hits, although they mention that the error shouldn’t interfere with normal operation). Is that what you’re referring to? The repository itself doesn’t produce logs, since it’s just a bunch of files and folders. If the license server is down, then the slaves won’t run without a license, so could that explain why your jobs aren’t running?
If your license server and your slaves are running fine, can you check a few things:
That the jobs being submitted aren’t being submitted to a pool or group that your slaves haven’t been assigned to.
That the jobs aren’t producing errors.
That the slaves aren’t printing out any error messages to their logs when searching for jobs.
This is the first we’ve heard of this problem, so it might just be a configuration issue.
So it looks like you just need to reconfigure the Cleaner XL plugin and set the render executable again. The update you installed should have maintained this data, but for whatever reason it didn’t. I tested installing the update here, and it worked fine, so it must have been a one-off issue. To configure the plugin, open the Monitor and enter super user mode, then select Tools -> Configure Plugins and select the CleanerXL plugin from the list on the left. You can set the render executable here.
According to the error message, the path for the Cleaner XL render executable is still blank. When I run a Cleaner XL job and Deadline can’t find the executable, it prints out this:
After you update the path in the plugin configuration, make sure to press OK to commit the changes. Then, go to \your\repository\plugins\CleanerXL and open up CleanerXL in a text editor and check if the CleanerXL_RenderExecutable= setting is actually being set. If it’s not there might be some permission issues that are preventing the Monitor from writing to this file. Note that you can change this setting manually if necessary. For example, you could set the render executable setting to be this (of course you would specify the path(s) that are valid for you):
My apologies, I had meant to type in CleanerXL.dlinit as the file to check. Take a look in this file to see what the CleanerXL_RenderExecutable setting is.
We’re still getting the same error in the daemon log file:
It does it every day at the same time. We’re also getting excessive network noise from the daemon in communicating to the clients on the farm and wondered if there was any way to increase the S/N ratio.
According to the thread above, they’re aware of the problem, so maybe it will be fixed in a future FlexLM release. According to the following thread, it shouldn’t affect normal operation of the license server: www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.w … -8&lang=en