Using Deadline Version: R (fcc207a56)
Had an issue recently where a cloud Maya render job would complete, with all tasks shown as completed, but was missing frames. The tasks for the missing frames had no logs. I requeued the tasks and they seemed to go though without a problem. Have you seen anything like this before?
This does not sound familiar to me. Are you using manually-launched VM instances or Balancer-launched VM instances?
They are balancer launched VMS
No ideas immediately come to mind for what might have caused this. Were all of the Job’s Task rendered by cloud Slaves? If not, was it only the Tasks that where rendered by cloud Slaves that were marked as complete but had no frames or logs? I’m wondering whether this issue is associated with the cloud/Balancer or whether it’s some other issue unrelated to Deadline’s cloud features.
Random thought from me is that you might have two Repositories. That’s pretty unlikely though.
What’s the error about the logs? That they weren’t written, that the file isn’t readable, or are there literally no entries in the ‘view task log’ business? Each has it’s own unique cause.
All the tasks were rendered by cloud slaves.
There are no entries in the “View Task Log” panel, and the rendered frame wasn’t written out, but the Task shows as “completed”.
No entries at all is very strange. After each task the Slave creates a database entry for us, even if the file isn’t stored.
Can you archive the job and send it over to I want to take a look at its structures and other bits. Ideally we’d catch the Slave logs, but those are only stored locally.
Are you able to reproduce this reliably? It might be worthwhile having a remote session so we can try a few things.
Looks like Ryan implemented this now. Look for a column for ‘plugin’ coming in Deadline 8.0