AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline Slaves Turning Off

We might have finally gotten to the bottom of the machines “turning off” issue. Apparently we had issues with individuals remoting into machines and forgetting to log off so our IT department redid some group policies that forced machines to log off after several hours of “idle” use. They didn’t advise me of this change as they didn’t think it would effect the render farm, but obliviously it did. We took our render node user account out of this new group policy late Friday and no machines shut down over the long holiday weekend! I am pretty confident that this resolved the “turning off” issue. Thanks again for all of the time you guys spent trying to help us out.

Austin Reed

I’m going to be laughing about this for probably the rest of the week. Who would have thought! :laughing:

Well, I’m glad we got to the bottom of it :slight_smile:

Guys i just posted new tread as i didn’t realise i had the same issue as this. Pretty much the same scenario
slaves stall and wont accept commands from the monitor as the launcher isn’r running so i have to manually log on, stop the DeadlineService , kill the DLprocesses that are running and restart the service

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