[Deadline] Change repository 'jobs' folder to another server


I’ve searched in the help file with no luck.
We are facing network issues (monitor and job hanging) when max scene are copied on the repository job folder (too heavy scene that needed to be transferred on each renderfarm).
So I want to know if its possible to put the repository job folder (+ archived jobs folder) on another server ?



Indeed it can!

docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … iary-files

There are a few ideas on that page to help with network / file server load. It should be quite helpful :slight_smile:

You don’t have to send the 3dsMax scene file with your Deadline job to the Deadline repository. It’s very common practise and indeed, very sensible, to always reference your 3dsMax scene file from it’s original network location (as long as it doesn’t get modified) whilst the farm is opening and rendering it (hint: using version control to solve this):
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … on-options

ie: leave your heavy 3dsMax scene files on your fast, network file server, who’s only job in life is to serve files as fast as possible. Also, positioning your Deadline Repository on the same file server (albeit in a different network share) but on the same ‘physical’ file server, won’t help as it’s just chewing up bandwidth without delivering any significant performance gain.