Deadline alters Nuke Write nodes?

Hi guys,

Here’s an interesting one:

Deadline v4, nuke 5.2v3 (have not tested on other versions)

My Nuke file has a dynamic Write node, taking some values from a node that has 2 txt input knobs from a group node called BaseComp.

The Write node’s file value is as follows: //laptop-dennis/render/nuke/[value BaseComp.EPISODE]_[value BaseComp.SCENE].write2.%04d.tga
The BaseComp EPISODE and SCENE values are 180 and 05a, respectively.
When rendering from gui, all is well, frames are written.
When rendering from terminal, all is well, frames are written. Here’s some of the output:

C:\Users\dennis>nuke5.2 -x d:\nuke\deadlinetest.nk
Nuke 5.2v3, 64 bit, built Nov 12 2009.
Copyright © 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Writing //laptop-dennis/render/nuke/180_05a.write2.0001.tga took 0.50 seconds
Writing //laptop-dennis/render/nuke/180_05a.write2.0002.tga took 0.20 seconds
Writing //laptop-dennis/render/nuke/180_05a.write2.0003.tga took 0.20 seconds
Writing //laptop-dennis/render/nuke/180_05a.write2.0004.tga took 0.61 seconds
Writing //laptop-dennis/render/nuke/180_05a.write2.0005.tga took 0.21 seconds
Writing //laptop-dennis/render/nuke/180_05a.write2.0006.tga took 0.19 seconds

When submitting from the integrated SubmitNukeToDeadline, however,
my slave (also my laptop, using the free version for testing), gives this:

0: STDOUT: Writing //laptop-dennis/render/nuke//180_/05a.write2.0001.tga
0: STDOUT: Writing //laptop-dennis/render/nuke//180_/05a.write2.0001.tga took 0.00 seconds
0: STDOUT: Total render time: 0.00 seconds
0: STDOUT: Write2: //laptop-dennis/render/nuke//180_/05a.write2.0001.tga: Can’t write, no such directory

Looks like somewhere along the line there’s a couple of extra slashes being inserted, making my renders fail.

What’s going on?


Hi Dennis,

Can you post a test Nuke script that reproduces the problem? We’ll test it out here and see if we can figure out what’s going on.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,

I’ve just discovered what the culprit was.
Previously I’ve had the deadline 3 repository installed,
and installed v4 without first removing deadline 3.
The v4 installer asked me politely what the repository share should be
named and I entered the same share name as I had been using.
The actual share was not changed to use the deadline repository folder
in the new prime focus program folder.

So in fact there was some weird combination of deadline 4 scripts and programs and
the deadline 3 repository. I’m guessing that’s not supported :wink:

Once I discoverd my mistake I removed the deadline 3 rep, corrected the share,
submitted my nuke script, and presto! :smiley:
It works, both on my local deadline 4 test install, and on our production farm, still
running deadline 3.

