“Restart Renderer Between Frames is disabled and VRay or Brazil is the selected renderer.”
This is a Warning, which means that you can uncheck it to ignore it, or you can let it switch the Restart Renderer Between Frames.
We are often getting inconsistent results from these two renderers, esp. with huge scenes where releasing memory between frames seems to fix the problem.
The option to restart the renderer appears to solve this most of the time, but sometimes it is even better to restart Max (which is a separate option in the Submitter). You can just ignore this, or completely remove it by editing the file “SubmitMaxToDeadline_SanityCheck_General.ms” found in the \Submission\3dsmax folder on the Repository.
“FF:The Render Output Path appears to point at a PROJECT folder!”
This is a Frantic Films internal (See the FF) check which prevented us from dumping render data in the Project folder tree (where it does not belong, it had to go to the Renders folder). Out internal folder structure changed in the mean time and we are not using this anymore. This test is defined in the Private file called “SubmitMaxToDeadline_SanityCheck_Private.ms” in the \Submission\3dsmax on the Repository. This file can be edited by you at will and you can use it to implement your own checks since we are not going to overwrite it when updating Deadline. You can simply add – in front of the line
– #(SMTD_Private_SanityCheckFunctions.CheckForProjectPath, #fix , “FF:The Render Output Path appears to point at a PROJECT folder!”, SMTD_RepairFunctions.FixRenderOutputPath, true),
to disable it.
Uncheck the “Show Virtual Frame Buffer” checkbox in the Submitter (in the Render tab) and enable the VRay Frame Buffer in the VRay render dialog before submission. It should appear when rendering.
By default, the MAX file goes there, while bitmap textures, XRefs and other external files (Point Caches, Hair Caches etc.) should be accessible over the network using a mapped drive. There is an option to collect and send all textures (or only the local ones) to the Repository, too. When a slave picks up a job, it copies the data locally first, then it loads the scene.
In the Monitor, the total time so far and the estimated (VERY rough) time left are shown on the right side of the Tasks tab’s header.
You can also see the data in the Statistics tab (when the job is completed, the Estimate will be at 0 and the real Elapsed time will be shown).
In the Tasks tab, you will see the list of all Tasks (typically one frame, or more) and what slave is working on that Task.
Alternatively, in the Slave list, you can see what job, task number and progress a specific slave has. (you might have to enable some of these columns if they are not on - right-click the columns and check the ones you are interested in).
It is very possible that I misunderstood some of your questions. In such case, please clarify!