Deadline Command BG 10.1 (Malware Detected)

I’m getting a malware detection on deadlinecommandbg.dll (HEUR.Trojan.Win32.Generic)
Running Kaspersky Internet Security. It’s also being picked up from auto update on servers.

Is anyone else having this issue.
This was downloaded from download section.
Should I be worried?
I have added an exclusion to Kaspersky.

The version was the latest
Rolled back to previous version and no issue.

Hey Visoo,

I got the exact same malware flag while updating the client to on Windows 10. Also running Kaspersky. Have you heard anything more on this?

Rolled back to previous version and no issues.
Version with no issue is Release

Hi @Visoo @chitty

It was confirmed that this was a false positive. This should be resolved now, please run a Database update on Kaspersky and try again.

Let us know if you still have this issue after the update.


Hey @kavi,
Thank you for the update on this! After updating the Kaspersky Database, everything installed without error.


Kavi: WIll update Kaspersky and try update deadline to latest version.

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