Hey! Im pretty new to deadline. I need help with a maxscript when submitting a job to deadline.
I want the dependencies under the same group as shown below:
My script works but I need to know how to group the dependency under the same deadline job.
Here is the current maxscript that I have (only the part where I write to the job submission file):
(The **** is what I dont want to show)
if doPostProcessPS == true then (
local cmdResult = undefinedSubmitInfoFile = "Path_To_File ****\\LukasTestDEADLINE" + "\\cmd_submit_info.job" local fileHandle = createfile SubmitInfoFile format "Plugin=CommandLine\n" to:fileHandle format "Name=%\n" "Test___" to:fileHandle format "UserName=%\n" "****" to:fileHandle format "Whitelist=%\n" "****" to:fileHandle format "JobDependency0=%\n" SMTDSettings.DeadlineSubmissionLastJobID to:fileHandle close fileHandle format "\t... creating Deadline JobInfoFile\n" JobInfoFile = "Path_To_File****\\LukasTestDEADLINE" + "\\cmd_job_info.job" fileHandle = createfile JobInfoFile format "Executable=%\n" ("Path_To_File****\\LukasTestDEADLINE\\dist\\test1\\test1.exe") to:fileHandle close fileHandle initialArgs = "\""+SubmitInfoFile+"\" \""+JobInfoFile+"\" " cmdResult = SMTDFunctions.waitForCommandToComplete initialArgs SMTDSettings.TimeoutSubmission renderMsg = SMTDFunctions.getRenderMessage() SMTDFunctions.getJobIDFromMessage renderMsg if cmdResult == #success then ( format "\nCommand job submitted successfully as Job %.\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n%\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n" SMTDSettings.DeadlineSubmissionLastJobID renderMsg ) else ( format "Job Submission FAILED.\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n%\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n" renderMsg ) )