Deadline doesn't load Plugin.UserSettings.ini in Max root?

This is a strange one!

I have 3ds Max to NOT use user profiles (in the InstallSettings.ini I set UseUserProfiles=0), but I do use the custom Plugin.UserSettings.ini where I put all my paths to the plugins and what not. I keep Plugin.ini clean.

The weird thing is, when I fire a network render job, Deadline will load up Max, but will completely ignore this ini and thus none of my plugins don’t work and my rendering crashes.

But as soon as I put everything in the Plugin.ini, it works.

I guess it makes some kind of a sense, however, it’d be nice if Max loads and uses this ini (when you assign 3rd party paths for example, it’ll write them to this ini!) so should Deadline.

By the way, is this something that can be easily overcome by using the Alternate Plugin.ini and specifying the Plugin.UserSettings.ini in the 3ds Max root folder? Or do I have to create a special plugin ini in the deadline repository for this purpose?

Thanks a lot in advance, cheers…

Currently, Deadline only looks for the Plugin.UserSettings.ini file when local user profiles are enabled, so this is a bug. We’ve logged it as such, and will try to fix it for the next release. Thanks for reporting this problem!

You could copy this Plugin.UserSettings.ini file to \your\repository\plugins\3dsmax and then choose it as an alternative INI file for now.


  • Ryan

Ok, just as I thought (regarding using the alternate plugin.ini).

Thank you!