Deadline Events - Job status 'queued'

In the deadline events python API there’s no option to trigger OnJobQueued even though there’s a queued status.

I have a test script that defines

def OnJobSubmitted(self, job):

Where I set a job that will trigger the event to a very low status so it will be forced into the queue.
That displays “Active” despite the job having a “queued” status. Likewise I’m checking to see if the queued status applies to the job’s tasks and not the job itself. This comes up as 0 tasks.

Is there a way to check a job (or its task) in a custom event to confirm that it is queued?


There is OnJobRequeued, not sure if this is triggered on submission.

I tried that (I basically just made an event that spammed all the possible “On-somethings”). That only works for a true requeue. For example a job requeued after having successfully completed.