Deadline fails max 2022 submission of a heavy 3dsmax file to be rendered with V-Ray 6


I’ve recently upgraded to deadline’s latest and greatest on our little studio to be able to use max 2022 on the pipeline.

I am getting these error messages:

Deadline Error output - Pasting image due to clear color coding.

and I also checked if I would have python 2.7 and 3.8 installed (both)

and crossed the references in the error message to the file code lines.


2022-08-22 09:23:35: File “C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\RC3950x\plugins\63032b410128c2770098ab9e\”, line 405, in RenderTasks

Line 405 “self.Is64Bit = False”

2022-08-22 09:23:35: File “C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\RC3950x\plugins\63032b410128c2770098ab9e\”, line 1627, in RenderTasks

Line 1627 “if( response == “” ):”

2022-08-22 09:23:35: File “C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\RC3950x\plugins\63032b410128c2770098ab9e\”, line 2524, in RenderFrame

Line 2524 “text_file.write(“sys.path.append(sys.argv[1])\n”)”

Deadline works fine in light files (spinning cube rendering with V-Ray 6) but it is crashing left and right with the current scene - even though the scene renders fine individually in each machine.

Can anyone help me diagnose the issue?
Thanks again for your feedback, appreciated! :slight_smile: