Deadline for AfterEffects - Worker Name MetaData?

I work in a studio that uses deadline, we currently use the C4D submission script, and the After Effects plugin script, and we are currently facing an issue where not all of the machines (workers) are producing the same consistent results.

I was wondering if there was a way to tell a worker to add it’s machine name, or worker name into the metadata for each frame it renders? It would make problem solving a bit faster as we could immediately see which machine rendered that frame and then figure out why it is different from the others.

C4D files list all the frames seperately so it’s easier to find through Deadline Monitor which machine did which frame, but the After Effects files just lists the machine names, and not the frame ranges or the specific frames they are doing.

If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

We don’t have anything ready-made that could do what you’re looking for, but if you know how to set that metadata from Python you could use a post-task script to do that.

Otherwise you could also use one of those post-task scripts to make a note of the machine name and the file name. Maybe add that to a running list per-job? So if you come across a wonky frame you refer to your frame<->machine list?

Though I’d expect that figuring out who did what in the Deadline Monitor would be just as easy in AE as it is in C4D, so let me know if you can elaborate on that.