Deadline image attribute name error

Hey folks, maybe someone can help me with this error: “Unexpected exception (Image attribute name cannot be an empty string)”
I have no glue what parameter the image attribute name should be so i cannot search for an empty string somewhere, any idea?

Hey there,

Could you give us a few more details on the circumstances of this error? Does it come up when trying to submit a job to Deadline? If so, where are you trying to submit from (Monitor, integrated submission script, command line), and which Plugin are you trying to submit a job to (eg, Max, Maya, Nuke, etc)?

If instead this error is happening when a Slave is trying to render a job, could you post that an error/log report containing the error?


  • Jon

Ok sorry my fault, i submitted with the integrated script from 3ds max to deadline and the error appeared when a slave was trying to render the job.
Sadly i cannot post the error log cause i deleted the job already. But anyway after resetting the render output to another file name and folder + resave the file with another name and location, it worked.
So for now thanks for your effort. I try to recreate the error and post the log cause im still interested what causes this error.

Good to hear that you got it working :slight_smile:

If you do ever encounter it again, definitely post the logs, and we’ll have a look!


  • Jon