Deadline Job timer?

I was wondering if it was possible to build a timer that is invoked whenever a job is submitted to deadline. Ideally it should function such that when the administrator (myself) enters a time (say 1 hour) jobs that do not complete in under 1 hour should either fail or suspend. These jobs will later be transferred to a different queue via a transfer function. What do you think? Has anyone done this yet or is it at least possible? Any suggestions? Thanks

This does the basic task, in an Event Plug-in, generating an error when the time limit is reached:

def OnJobSubmitted( self, job ):
job.JobTaskTimeoutSeconds = 600

The next step is to figure out how to take that condition, which could be set at least to generate “Error”, “Notify” or “Both”, and see how to identify it as a task that should be transferred to another Repository (vs. an error caused by a different condition).