Hey All,
Having a strange issue. Cannot seem to get web services to work period.
Have configured in repos settings. Pulse is active and seen by slaves and by the repository.
f.cl.ly/items/0e0j1L203g0c0T0K0l … 0%20PM.png
But, try to ping via hostname or ip in a browser…
f.cl.ly/items/2o0Y1b1N0c0M2O1Y1H … 9%20PM.png
(have double and triple checked dns, can do a nslookup, can ping, but no love via the web.)
This is in service of getting the Deadline Mobile app to work. (have done previously prior to upgrade to 5.2)
Tried the ios app on local network using both ip and fqdns…no love… this led to trying the web browser.
Have stopped and started Pulse several times with web services on and off, in hopes of a stuck command.
Any thoughts? This seems like it should be rather straight forward.