AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline not saving vray´s glare element

Hello everyone.

For some reason, deadline doesn´t save the glare and bloom element. It works fine when i render locally.

Any solutions for that?


Could you please provide the Deadline version number, as well as the application used to submit the job (Max, Maya, C4D etc. all support V-Ray). Since I don’t see a Glare render element in my V-Ray for 3ds Max, I have to assume that you are using something else, or that I am blind :wink:

Also, can you shows us a Slave log, or at least tell us what the element’s file name is?
In another thread, we had a customer seeing missing elements because the output path contained a space or a # character in the file name. When using the local rendering option, the file was actually saved on the Slave, but failed to copy to the final destination… Just something to keep in mind.


Thank you for your response.

Sure, i should have tell the version before :smiley: . Deadline´s version is I am using 3dsmax 2017 with vray

The job´s log is attached to this reply. And also this element needs to save 2 files: filename_v001.glare and filename_v001.LensEffectsSource.

I am not using spaces or #. I usually use 10-15 render elements but the only one that it fails to save is the glare/lens effects source element.

Hope you can help me.

Thank you!
Job_2016-09-21_19-28-15_57e3097ef50c261830423739.txt (397 KB)

Thanks for the log!

The VRay Lens Effects exist in two forms - an obsolete Render Effect which operates within the 3ds Max Render Effects system, and the built-in option of the VRay Frame Buffer. I assume you are using the latter…

Currently the Deadline Submitter does not have any knowledge of either one, so the Deadline Job does not have any info related to copying the Glare and LensEffectsSource from the local output folder to the final output destination.

However, since the render element is kinda “virtual” and saves the output images internally, it might work with the current version of Deadline if you would disable the “Local Rendering” option of Deadline. Local Rendering lets the Deadline Slave render and save the images to a local temp. folder on the Slave machine, and once the task is finished, it performs the copying of the files (if necessary even using multiple attempts if the network is congested and earlier attempts have failed) to the actual render output folder. When Local Rendering is off though, the VRay Frame Buffer would write straight to the network path. If the network is not too congested, this should work the same as when rendering on the local workstation. If the network is congested (e.g. hundreds of machines rendering at the same time), there could be problems saving the rendered output.

The option can be found here: … ptions-tab

It is checked by default - try unchecking it and see if the job will save the Lens Effects elements…
If this does not help, please let us know and we will continue looking.

Thank you very much! That worked!

I really appreciate it.



This just came up for us today with VrayNext, and the bloom/glare not saving. I’m testing your suggestion now.


So this has worked with Deadline 10 and VrayNext. The option to turn off Local Rendering is now under SMTD/Render/3dsmax Pathing.

Its a pretty big issue if you don’t know about it, so I’ve told Chaosgroup, but I suggest this work a round is made clear to people some how. Wasted hours today thinking it was user error!


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