Evidently Deadline instances of Nuke running as a service don’t look in the standard user fold they only look in:
[‘c:/.nuke’, ‘C:/Program Files/Nuke6.3v8/plugins’]
Is there a way to configure the plugin paths for a nuke instance through Deadline? And/Or why is it not looking in the current logged in user account’s .nuke? Is that your doing or The FOundry’s?
Which user is the Deadline Service set up to run as? If it’s just the local system user, which is the default, that would certainly explain why Nuke isn’t checking the current User’s stuff
You should be able to tell by checking the ‘deadlinelauncher’ process in Task Manager; if it’s marked as ‘SYSTEM’, then that’s the problem. If it’s not, then I’m really confused as to why it wouldn’t be working… As far as I know, we’re not modifying Nuke’s plugin search paths.
Nope it’s running as a user with domain privileges. Must be a weird Nuke bug. I have a support ticket open with them. I’ll see what they have to say about it.
Is there a way though to have Deadline modify it though on startup? Would be nice to not have to modify any settings on the rendernode and just point it to our facility init.py through a deadline setting.
There most definitely is! If you know how to set Nuke’s search paths (I imagine it will just be an Environment variable or something), it should be easy to set up a PreLoad script for the Nuke plugin to set this up prior to launching Nuke on the slaves (see: thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … -_Optional). The PreLoad.py file gets executed by the slave whenever it loads up the Nuke plugin, so it’s great for setting up environment stuff like this.