Hi! I want to optimize processes in the studio, for this I need a deadline node to set up knobs procedurally, that is, I need to submit not through a shelf but through a node, is it possible to do this?
It seems to be a new feature. I will make an internal ticket for the feature request. I cannot tell an ETA on when it will be supported. I think your best bet is someone in the community has done this before.
However, you can use your own script to create like a custom node if Nodes are scripts in Nuke. I have got no idea.
We do a similar thing with Houdini where there are render operators (ROP) instead of nodes (not sure if those are the same as in Nuke). We have like a shelf submitter and Deadline ROP for Houdini which is a Python script in [Repo]/submission/Houdini/Main/SubmitDeadlineRop.py
Yes, we need node like in Houdini u did, but for nuke, ty for making ticket for this task