Deadline Package Registry/Manager

Is there any community or Thinkbox interest in a community package registry and installer. Is there already an existing one? This would be a place where we could share custom job plugins, event plugins, job pre/post scripts, monitor scripts and more. Then after finding a plugin you like you could run a tool to install it in the repository.

Hi Tom,

I don’t think a community package registry exists. The closest to a community repository for custom Deadline scripts and examples is ThinkboxSoftware/Deadline on GitHub. It does not have any packages.

Given how simple the installation of any type of Deadline script is (just drop a folder into the correct custom\ sub-folder of the Repository), I am not sure how much a package registry is really needed.
However, I don’t consider myself a developer, so what do I know :wink:

Thanks Bobo! You may not claim to be a developer, but you are certainly a Deadline superhero :man_superhero: .

I do think there’s benefit to be gained from a registry:

  • discoverability - search across available community package (perhaps also as a method for Thinkbox to update plugins independent of the client installer).
  • sharability - easily share your tool or set of tools with others to use and perhaps recruit contributors (DockerHub played a significant part in the rise of Docker, just like GitHub in the rise of open source, for Node packages).
  • centralized documentation and details about the packages (what OS do they run on, which version of Deadline)

Questions to the community at large:

If there was a deadline package registry what kind of scripts, plugins, etc would you search for?

Would you be willing to share scripts and plugins on the platform?

Are your custom scripts and plugins highly tailored to your company’s workflow or are they general enough where they could be shared with others for a greater community/industry benefit?