Same here. I just attempted installing from to build yesterday…
Then I found this thread(…and it was too late.) 
So, I tried installing the instead (it did worked), but when I came to Import Repository Settings (including Groups/Pools/Plugins/Mapping/WorkerSettings/etc…) by choosing previous Repository’s folder, it came out with an error saying Repository Version is too old so I cannot import??..
( is too old??)

Then I tried this method below, but I cannot access the previous Repository as I installed the new one…
Deadline worked perfectly 2days ago…, but now… 
(I trusted I could easily import all the settings from previous ones…)
To The Greatest AWS Thinkbox Deadline Support Team…
Is there any other workaround with Importing Previous Repository Settings?
Where is all those information(Groups/Pools…etc) are stored? inside MongoDB? or Repo Folders?
Please Somebody Help…
Good news! We have the new build live! You can grab it here (you may need to force a cache refresh in your browser if you don’t spot it)!/
For @ThinkboxPleaseHelp, that error is when Deadline can’t find “settings/connection.ini” if I recall correctly. I’m worried about making a blanket statment here because setting the wrong data in “connection.ini” might point your Repository to the wrong machine. Please give us a call if you can.
The information for pools and groups are in MongoDB. I don’t have much hands on experince with the importer, but the one built into the “Tools” menu of the Monitor has worked for quite awhile.
@ThinkboxPleaseHelp I believe our installer is confusing you with giving you an option to Import the existing repository settings. (check the picture)

The Groups/Pools/Plugins/Mapping/Worker Settings settings sticks when upgrading/downgrading Deadline. You can skip the import part of the installer and you would be good with the repository settings.
If you loose any settings from the previous installation, feel free to open a Zendesk thread with us and would be happy to help.
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seems it works! thank you.
Thank you for your quick feedbacks, @eamsler and @karpreet.
Unfortunately, I did re-entered all the settings from scratch this time.
I will refer to your advices when I install the latest build 
@eamsler Well. This week, I was having troubles with installing without knowing these issues. I didn’t mean to make a blanket statement here. Just need some advices from you guys.
I see, those information is stored in MongoDB. Not inside Repo’s folders.
Perhaps, as I installed the MongoDB in same machine, the old Repo’s connection got lost then 
Thank you for your info.
@karpreet Thanks,
I skipped this one, because I didn’t export the Repo’s Settings as .json.
After the installation, and when I tried to attempt “Import Repository Settings” from Tools menu of the Monitor, it gave me that window.
As @eamsler mentioned above,
is old Repo still needed to be connected with the Old MongoDB when I select “Import Repository Settings”?
Yes, it does need to be connected to the old MongoDB.
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