Is there an event triggered by the deadline upgrade process? We would like to hook the creation of a lock file into it.
Not yet, but there’s some for the Slaves:
When a slave starts OnSlaveStartedCallback
When a slave stops OnSlaveStoppedCallback
When a slave becomes idle OnSlaveIdleCallback
When a slave starts rendering OnSlaveRenderingCallback
When a slave starts a job OnSlaveStartingJobCallback
When a slave is marked as stalled OnSlaveStalledCallback
( … ugins.html)
Could OnSlaveStopped() do it?
Sadly, nope. We have our own ‘farm health’ manager application, that monitors the slave crashing / quitting for whatever reason, clicks buttons on crashes etc, and then restarts the slaves as needed. However it can’t tell if the slave is shutting down due to an update being in progress, so sometimes it blocks the upgrade by prematurely restarting the slave. For our internal upgrade process, we have a lock file mechanism in place, so figured we could create the same lock file if there was an upgrade event. The OnSlaveStopped would generate too many false positives i imagine (simply shutting down via remote command, rebooting, artist arrives in the morning and kills the slave etc)
Is it possible to maybe look in the log folder for a deadlinelaunchernew log file that is new, because that is made when the upgrade process is started. Also, the upgrade process wouldn’t start without an application starting up, so it should be easy to predict it’s going to happen.