Deadline with Pipeline toolkit

Hi DL Team,

i posted this a while ago, but the thread got mixed up with another issue that we had: … ank#p52821

The feature I asked for is still needed:

Please make the deadline submitter tank aware

I could see a little script that checks if the given task is linked to shot/asset and then automatically fills out the fields (maybe have an option in the “Events” menu “try to link task upon submission” or sth. similar.?).
Our artists have to submit to SG every evening, and manually selecting the task is timeconsuming, cumbersome, error-prone (also because the dialog usually cuts of half of the task name!) and unnecessary, as every scene file that we work with has a connection to a task anyway.

Example video here:

I am sure all SG users would appreciate a “deeper” integration of DL.



Hello Timor,

I asked the devs and they have advised that this is on the wishlist currently, but we don’t have an ETA on it’s addition to Deadline at this time.

Thank you, appreciated!

Just wanted to let you guys know this is something we are VERY interested in. As a facility without any real developers, we are very appreciative of production-ready solutions to pipeline problems. Deadline has solved almost everything for us render-wise, and one missing piece of the puzzle is better connection between deadline and shotgun. The version upload script works fine, but could be vastly improved with better communication with Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit.

One concrete example for us is the ability to create published files in sg instead of versions. This would help alot. I have been looking at the Submit Version-script, but its kinda above our python-level right now to modify this to create published file…

We just started finally using Tank/Toolkit and the shotgun integration is very wanting. The best implementation is to make Deadline submission a “Publish” plugin.