[code] Scheduler Thread - Plugin loaded in 0.06 seconds.
Constructor: MayaCmd
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: deadline_test - deadlinea (999_050_999_6a297389)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin MayaCmd
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “FLEXlm error: ."
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "Usage: Render .”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “Finished Rendering..([0-9]+).[^.]+"
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “.Finished Rendering.”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “Constructing shading groups|Rendering current frame”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “.Error: .|.Warning: .”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “[PROGRESS] ([0-9]+) percent”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +rendered”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +computing final gather points”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “progr: +rendering finished”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "[PROGRESS] Completed frame”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “.[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame 100.00.”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “.Render complete.”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “[PROGRESS] Percentage of rendering done: (.)"
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex ".[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame ([0-9]+.[0-9]+).*”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “.*RIMG : +([0-9]+)%”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.entry point.”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.Entry Point.”
0: INFO: About: Maya Cmd Plugin for Deadline
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 100
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin\Render.exe”
0: INFO: Rendering to network drive
0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2009.0
0: INFO: Rendering with Mental Ray
0: INFO: Render Argument: -r mr -v 5 -rt 16 -x 1920 -y 1080 -ard 1.77699995 -rl deadlinea -s 100 -e 100 -b 1 -rd “//SANGUO-A-PC/chuan/images” -im “chuan32-35-01-04” -cam “PFTrackCamera_01Shape” -proj “//SANGUO-A-PC/chuan” “C:\Users\sanguo-a-pc\AppData\Local\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\jobsData\deadline_test.mb”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin”
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): Failed to assign process “C:\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin\Render.exe” to job object: 拒绝访问。
(System.Exception) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
在 Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)
---- August 02 2009 – 03:14 PM ----
Exception Details
RenderPluginException – Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): Failed to assign process “C:\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin\Render.exe” to job object: 拒绝访问。
(System.Exception) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
在 Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.Data: ( )
Exception.TargetSite: Void RenderTask(Int32, Int32)
Exception.Source: deadline
在 Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
在 Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()
it works well on win xp 64,what’s wrong with vista?
i guess the system denied any work,so…
i have turned off the UAC and firewall in vista,
is there any other thing need i turn off?