Deadlinecommand executable remapping


I’ve been trying a lot of things with deadlinecommand those days, things work great so far but there is one thing I can’t seem to figure out properly, here is a simple explanation that illustrate my problem pretty well:

Command for Windows :
deadlinecommand -SubmitCommandLineJob -executable "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" -pool windows -arguments "/c echo <STARTFRAME%4>" -frames=1-10

Command for Linux :
deadlinecommand -SubmitCommandLineJob -executable /bin/bash -pool linux -arguments "-c echo <STARTFRAME%4>" -frames=1-10

Those commands work just the way they should, but ideally I would like to use only one without customizing (yet) the default Deadline plugin. Is there something already in place for that ?

I can imagine we should be able to remap the executable like all other plugins but it doesn’t seem to be happening even though I added a Batch part in the Plugin with the two paths above (Linux bash and Windows cmd). In any case I imagine the arguments syntax slash versus dash would be a problem.

An other problem I got is that I have to absolutely set the full path for the application. Can’t Deadline use the system $PATH variable to find the bin for each system ?
